27 comments on “CONTACT

  1. Just wanted to leave you a quick note to say I spent about 2 hrs on your site today. Very Inspirational and informative. Kudos and keep it up. Will spread it around to all my design friends!



  2. As a “simple shoemaker”, I feel woozy after looking at the huaraches you have so gorgeously photographed, then to Shoes or No Shoes Museum, then “shoes” articles in HANDEYE – pass the smelling salts! I plan to explore nailing on soles – tonight! With much gratitude, sharon

    • Thanks for your compliments. I was equally impressed by your encouraging write up on how becoming a local shoemaker IS a great idea. I’m currently preparing a post on craft values and agree with all your points. Another reason I would add is reduction of transportation and pollution. Good luck with your venture. Best regards, Markus

  3. Markus,
    Just want to let you know you are killing it! Inspirational vision and focus, true connoisseur of that good life! Appreciate your perspectives. Síguele mang. Échale ganas. Inspiration exchange: I wanna send you some tshirts I draw n print that i think you’d appreciate. Lme know the best method. Thanks again and stay grinding.

  4. Hi! How do I get in touch with you personally? I would like to use one of your photos. Kindly email me. Thank you!

    • Hi, feel free to use any photo on this blog. Just kindly provide a link. In case you were looking for higher resolution images, the images published are the highest resolution I have. Thanks!

  5. Thanks so much! Planning to use it actually for broadcast. Will let you know if it pushes thru. Thanks again! 🙂

  6. As I was doing research for a project on back country gear and I came upon your site information on “the history of external frame backpacks”. The information is incredible and in depth.I am reading and rereading the article with pleasure.Thank you,chris

  7. I have a small curated shop in chicago and came across your blog as I was searching for a specific shoe. Maybe you could help me? I would like to find an artisan that could re-make this shoe for me that I found at a thrift store. it is a huarache but the top is woven nylon instead of leather. It has the recycled rubber bottom. I would post a picture but I dont see a way to- thanks!

  8. I was on your site looking at external backpack frames. They all look so ridged and uncomfortable. How were they able to wear them an not hurt their back? Obviously they did. I just don’t understand how they sat against your back. Any thoughts?

    • It never occurred to me that the name “backpack” can be misleading. The backpack and all its weight is supposed to rest on your waist/belt, not on your back. The pressure on your back and shoulders should be minimal. For a heavy backpack invest in a fat comfy belt to carry all its weight on your waist hips. If you are referring to primitive packs that had no belt; back then people were probably tougher.

  9. Hello,
    I am working on an exhibit about agave plants at a museum (conservatory) and was wondering if you would give me permission to use a photo of agave sandals that is featured on your blog. This would be for a non-commercial use, one-time printing. I am happy to provide more details, if you would like to discuss over email, please let me know where to reach you.
    The photo is located here: https://huaracheblog.wordpress.com/2012/03/08/natural-fibre-sandals-from-baja-california/
    If you would be ok with this use, is there a name I should credit? Or just huarache blog?
    Thank you,

  10. Hello,
    Nice article about backpacks in: External Frame Backpacks-Applying the Old Ways to the New Journeys. May i used parts of it making the references for a spanish document that i am doing?

  11. Hi, I’m really interested in talking to you about one of your articles called Additive Fabrication where you talk about footwear waste. I am currently working on a project and wanted to know if I could use your photograph of waste and if I can cite you to verify the image?

    Many thanks,


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